Make sure to always contact us with the same email address used for your Amuse account. Step 2 Select a text element from the dropdown. Alternatively, you can use following UITextFieldDelegate method. Whenever, UITextField is tapped placeholder text disappears. Sure! Read about changing artist name here. You can delete text from your logo: Step 1 Open Text properties tab. You can set Placeholder text in UITextField. They will be deleted from stores, but you'll still see the release in the app in case you need information such as the UPC or ISRC codes. Keep in mind that taken down releases can't be fully deleted from the app.

If you get an error message, the release is most likely already deleted. You may have to press this key combination to undo all of the text you've accidentally replaced. Press Ctrl + Z to restore accidentally-deleted text. Pressing this key toggles the Insert function on or off in any app on your PC.
#When youtype a text and delete it update#
Update the app version if you are not on our latest version. The key is usually near the top-right corner of the keyboard. Simply choose the upload you want to cancel and press Delete. If your release is "In Review" or "Not approved", you can delete the upload yourself in the app. Then it will be offline from stores within a couple of days. If your release is delivered or live in stores, s imply log into your Amuse account, go to "My Music", select the release and then click the button "Take down release". You can take down your release(s) from the stores whenever you want to. Ask us to delete the old upload once the new one is live on streaming services. Make sure to only use the same ISRC if it's the exact same audio file. If the release has been live, make sure to reuse the old track’s/release’s ISRC when you re-upload and they’ll keep their streaming data. To fix this, you'll need to upload a new release. No, it's not possible to change your audio file or remove tracks from a release. Audio file changes or removing tracks from a release
#When youtype a text and delete it pro#
Yes, if you have a Pro or Boost account you can change your artwork. We understand that things can happen and you might want to make changes. That is how happy and pleased we would like you to be when uploading your work! When you do an upload, make sure you feel like your final result is ready to be live in stores.