Maya File Node has linearization improvements User controls have been added as an option for VP 2.0 rendering: snapshots, restart, and start/stop The attribute spreadsheet will now show RenderMan attributes, eliminating the need for custom UIs OSL in RfM 22 does not support osl shaders of type "surface" please use "shader" instead ("Surface" implies a closure which is not supported) This workflow may evolve and simplify further. When using Pxr manifolds like PxrManifold3D, the user needs to set up parameters on that node to make use of the Pref data. Maya's place3dTexture node automatically will look for _WPref or _Pref. This data gets emitted for the mesh when a reference object is present (created by the user in Maya with the Texturing > Create Texture Reference Object menu). Mesh nodes now have a section under the RenderMan extension attributes called "Reference Object" with checkboxes for which data is desired: _Pref, _WPref, _Nref, and _WNref. Instance Attributes and PrimVars are now split between the transform node and shape node respectively to denote their operation and inheritance. Trace sets work interactively, however, simple toggling on/off does not work during IPR alone, another geometry edit must happen.

PxrImagePlane sample filter now pays attention to the alpha channel of the "plate" image and writes its newly computed alpha into beautyAlpha, added a txmake preset for image planes to the txmanager Xgen : Xgen will crash during live rendering unless you set Window > Preferences > Xgen > Multithreading to "off" (unchecked).
#Renderman for maya 2015 update#
Render to the same window where you work! Move objects, make modeling changes, add and alter materials and lights, even import and update asserts without needing to stop the render. The Render Settings menu now contains most everything you need to create LPEs, change options for final renders, and more. Interactive grooming in Xgen is now supported.
#Renderman for maya 2015 full#
By skipping the export of a scene to RIB, artists can get an immediate look at their work in full ray traced mode and continue to interact and make changes without needing to restart the render.

Now you can render through all stages of your pipeline! From modeling to final renders, RenderMan is designed to give you immediate feedback from inside Maya.