
Isadora meaning
Isadora meaning

isadora meaning

As of 2021, Isadora is a top 2,900 option. Isadora was only a top 1,000 baby name in 1900 at rank 992. Alternative spellings for the name Isadora: What Does Isadora Mean and History Feminine form of Isidore, from the Greek name Isidoros, from the name of the Egyptian goddess Isis meaning throne and the. Isadora is a refined and formal name for girls. Iz-uh-DAWR-uh Number of syllables in the name Isadora:įour Emotion evoked from the name Isadora: Isadora is an upper class name for girls. It also utilizes the word “doron.” “Doron” translates to “gift” in English. Isidoros draws inspiration from the Egyptian goddess Isis. It is of Latin and Greek origin, and the meaning of Isadora is gift of Isis. The baby name Isadora dates back to the ancient baby name Isidoros. as a girls name is pronounced iz-a-DOR-ah. It combines Isis with the word “doron.” Symbolism of the name Isadora: Isidore originated from the Greek Isidoros, coming from the Egyptian goddess Isis. It became popular because of an Egyptian saint with the title. Isidora is the feminine form of Isidore from ancient Greece. Isadora is a spelling variation of the baby name Isidora. Greek: gift of Isis Origin of the name Isadora: As of 2021, it is a top 2,900 option at rank 2,862. The name survived the suppression of the worship of the Egyptian goddess. It dates back to Egyptian mythology, relating to the goddess Isis. The name Isadora is a girls name meaning gift of Isis and is of Greek origin.

isadora meaning isadora meaning

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Isadora meaning